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Working from Home
Working from Home during the Coronavirus Crisis:
How to work effectively and avoid family conflict
Enforced Home-working. If you have suddenly found yourself working from home as a result of the Coronavirus crisis, you may well be experiencing challenges in getting it right and being able to work effectively. So what can you do to help yourself? Well, firstly, let’s look at the situation of people who have chosen to work from home and have been doing it for some time, just to provide a comparison.
Regular Home-Workers. For people used to working from home, the many benefits that it offers are very welcome. This is especially true of family care responsibilities as you can combine work and family in one location. As for work space, some may be lucky enough to have a dedicated study whilst others may convert a spare bedroom into a home office or set aside an area of their home for work. Employers may provide the equipment needed for home working including a separate phone line and internet connection. People working in these conditions often speak of the flexibility that it offers them whilst it also enables them to avoid commuting.
Your Reality? So, does the picture of domestic bliss painted above of a happy combination of home and work apply to you? More likely, you may be struggling to find a space where you can work effectively and, having found that space, realise that it normally gets used for something else, so things have to be changed or moved. As if that wasn’t enough, your partner and children may also be at home so you could now be sharing that precious space. Let’s look at how you can make the best of your situation.
What should you do?
Work Requirements
Work Support
In the current crisis, your employer may not be able to do or provide as much as you or they might want. Generally, they will try to help you set up as much as they can but it’s extremely unlikely that they will have been storing IT or telephone equipment just for this crisis so it may be necessary for you to use workarounds and to make do with what you have / is available, at least in the initial stages. Here are some suggestions:
Work space
Sharing a space
If you are sharing working space with others:
It can be difficult to focus on work when others are around and work time can easily impose on family time and vice versa.
In order to achieve balance: